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"Turnaround dance theatre made looking after 30 kids look so easy!"


"Children who are usually shy and are less likely to get involved were up on their feet and they LOVED it"


- PartyAround parent

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Full costumed host, Stilt walking, Aerial silks, food, filming... & much more! 


We create fun & exciting dance parties delievered by professional dance teachers. 


Choose your package and we'll hand craft your party so its unique for you. This might include party games, beautiful crafted party favors & guests can even take part in a performance to impress audiences with. 


Alice in Wonderland, Princesses, witches and wizards, Jungle Book, Pirates, Space, Super Heroes, Circus... Let us know what you would like and we'll make you a party!


Your party could even be hosted by a special guest in full costume. 

© 2022 This website & all of its contents are the property of TurnAround Dance Theatre & may be used only for your own personal &/or non-commercial use. Photography by Elly Ross, Simon Richardson, Nick Dagger Photography, Nicola Selby Photography, Tangle Photography, DC Photography, Tamsin Drury, Helena Waudby, Karoful illustrations, Jenny Reeves, Hawk Theatre, Daniela Agliolo, Siya Deshmukh & Emma Atrens, Joe Mathers Photography, Mark Lycett, Michael Rea.

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