in woodland magic
a maze of mangled branches
a squirming, playful, forest ferlie
wriggling this way, then the other, reaching
on tiptoe through mizzled green, to wink at the sky.
We hunker in her open arms, summer-happy,
while she whispers pear-drop spells,
showers us with pollen secrets,
and frees the hidden bairn within,
cooried here in her cosy cave,
forever & ever & ever
until the rain passes
Poetry copyright © Frances Ainslie 2021
Audio - Directions to 5th Film 'Laurel'
Audio - Directions to 6th Film 'Castle Gardens'
The Airthrey Dance Trail has been created through the Scene Stirling Open Grants - funded by Creative Scotland,
Stirling Council and with support from cultural organisations across Stirling.
This project was part funded by the generosity of Grace's aerial students who donated their cancelled classes during lockdown.
Created with support from the University of Stirling Art Collection. Thanks to Michael Rea (filming and editing), Frances Ainslie (poetry), Hannah Uttley (narration of poetry), Arken Creative (map design), Ellen Turner (creative mentor), Nathan Critchlow (writing support).
Film © Grace Turner 2021. Poetry © Frances Ainslie 2021